About theDesign Begins Studio.

We are a design firm who believe in bringing posi+ive change and creating great experiences through design. With a simple design process of Understand – Meditate - Create, we create design solutions that are not only extraordinary but also leave an impression of ‘WOW’. Be it the design of a pen or a road or a building, amount of passion put in designing is tremendous. We are constantly striving towards giving our clients the only thing that matters the most- Satisfaction.

  • + understanding : realizing the context of a design challenge is the starting point of design process. This step aims at understanding the needs and wants of a client and also the prospects and limitations presented by a space or context.
  • + meditating: thinking deeply about various aspects of the design challenge is the next step in the design process. This phase encapsulates research and exploration about intangible components like Trends, Ideas, User Experiences and tangible components such as materials, cost effectiveness for each project.
  • + creating: Conceptualization , design development and execution form the final stage of the design process with high quality detailing, finishing and workmanship.

Our designs are also marked by cost effectiveness and transparency.



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